Our first group ~ A group of Poor Clares, both our own from Andover, and some of the sisters from the Monastery in Westwood (formerly Jamaica Plain) have driven up to join us on River Road on Wednesdays at 10:15.
Our second group ~ is the Thursday group which have suspended their exploration of Thomas Merton for delving into the final document from the Synod on Synodality. There are currently 3 takers for an evening session 2 in person and 1 on Zoom.
If we could rustle up, 2 or 3 more folks, this would be a go! Would you like to join in the conversation?
Right now we are looking at Tuesday or Thursdays evenings ~ these times are not set in stone. This group will most likely begin in January.
If you are interested, please see Fr. Rick or email him.