Cub Scout Pack 79 includes boys from grades 1 - 5. The scouts meet at St. Roberts on Thursdays from 6:30-7:30 pm. The boys learn many skills in scouting like what to do if you are lost, knot tying and more. They participate in community service activities throughout the year. The scouting year is packed with family fun activities such as the spring and fall campouts and hikes, pinewood derby, rocket launch, sleepover on a battleship, Blue and Gold Banquet, summer camp and much more!
For more information visit
Committee Chair—Maureen
Cub Master—Michael Tresh, [email protected]
Boy scouts is for boys age 11 through 17. Our primary goal is to develop boy leaders by providing training and opportunities for the boys to lead. The scouts also have a lot of fun along the way making new friends, learning new scouting skills and earning rank advancement. Meetings, which are run by the boys, are weekly on Thursdays from 7:30-9:00 pm from September through June. There are also scout trips, community service events, or other activities available at least one weekend per month, and frequently more often.